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This website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and consultation.
This briefing note provides an overview of FPIC in international law and across industry sections. The note also discusses how to identify customary land through mapping; engaging with representative organizations; pairing participation with informed consent; ensuring consent and resolving conflict. This note can inform consent processes throughou…
This report emerged out of a workshop held by Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) which brought together representatives from extractive industries to discuss the application of FPIC in engagement with Indigenous peoples. The report provides a corporate interpretation of the rights promised under FPIC including its legal requirements, benefit…
This report discusses Company-Community Agreements or Impact-Benefit Agreements negotiated between industries and Indigenous communities surrounding a development project. The Impact-Benefit Agreement (IBA) is discussed as a positive negotiation strategy with benefits for both developers (easier negotiations) and communities (financial and social …
This document includes speaking notes on the topic of FPIC at the Prospector and Developer’s Association of Canada annual conference. The speaker defines FPIC, clarifies prevailing misconceptions about FPIC, and discusses how FPIC can be implemented in the extractive sector. The speaker discusses FPIC in the Canadian context and argues for Canadia…
Acknowledging the cultural, social, and environmental impacts of resource developments such as hydro-electric dams, the rights of Indigenous people to Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC), are necessary to protect their lands. The article introduces the community referenda, as a consultation strategy used in areas impacted by development projects,…
This article looks at the relationship between the Trudeau government and the indigenous population of Canada through UNDRIP.